Our intelligent page builder takes care of all the optimizations needed to top Google's Rank.
Slow loading websites drive your customers away and
have a negative impact on your page conversion.
Design built for Conversion
Use our pre-made blocks of over 100+ premium designs to build your web page quickly.
Choose from different categories like Hero, Pricing, Contact Us, Testimonials and others
Build Custom Forms and Start Collecting Leads������
�Collect� more leads with �your� custom forms. Design �your form� exactly the way you want with simple drag-n-drop and provide seamless integration into your website.
You can always export your leads as CSV file ��
Pages are Optimized for SEO��
Pages you ��create�� are automatically optimized for SEO. The power of Wordpress in your hands.
- Featured Image Upload - Facebook, Twitter Meta tags - Automatic XML Sitemap �generator and Robots.txt - Canonical Tags ��
Responsive by Design��
All of your pages are responsive by default. You do not have to worry about creating seperate styles for each device.
You do have power of applying �unique� styles for mobile and desktop to make the content look good on each device. ��
�M�ade� for Designers and Developers in mind�
��Have complete control over your �pages�.
- Export your pages/��designs� to� html/css and make changes locally or publish to your own servers. - Create custom elements, save them for future use. �- Create��unique� styles, save them as classes and reuse them in different components. ��
�CMS - Build Dynamic Pages and Websites���
Use our built-in CMS to deliver dynamic pages, blogs, ecommerce store, possibilities are endless.
Build designs visually and connect with your CMS data to create repeatable content. ��
�Use �Sub-Accounts for Your Clients�
�Easily manage your client websites using sub-accounts, when work is ready push it to their accounts easily.�
Create Global Styles��
Create unique styles once and use them through out the �website�.
Change in one place and updates will be reflected everywhere the style has been �used�. ��